What is Clever?

We use Clever to provide students a simple way to use one login to access multiple programs. 

All Clever logins are student's Google Apps username@sw.wednet.edu account

See more info on how ES, MS and HS students access Clever

Teachers can update the Clever portal and more cool stuff

How does it work?

Clever syncs automatically with PowerSchool information: if a student is enrolled in a HR or classroom roster they will be able to access Clever enabled programs (refreshed each morning).

If a student is not enrolled in a HR or class, reach out to your school ops team.  Teacher accounts in Clever are associated to the classrooms setup in PowerSchool.

For Students: 

For Staff: If you are a "lead teacher"

Lead teacher = you are the single lead teacher assigned in Skyward Gradebook by your school

  1. Go to https://clever.com/in/swsd and click on For Teachers/Staff to sign into Okta
  2. If you are a lead teacher: click on "Teacher" and you will be able to access your class roster within the app(s) you are using
  3. If you want to view all courses/classes across an app: All teachers/staff can also sign in as 'Staff' to access certain features and other roster for apps that support this role.  When you access Clever, select 'Staff' instead of 'Teacher'.
  4. Teachers can customize and update their student's portal: check out more info here!

For Staff: If you are not a lead teacher (eg Co-Teacher or AP/Admin)

  1. Go to https://clever.com/in/swsd and click on For Teachers/Staff to sign in
  2. Click on "Staff" and you will be able to access all courses/classes across the school. 
  3. Note that all teachers/staff can also also sign in as 'Staff' to access certain features and other roster for apps that support this role.  

If you have any questions, please share back details (screenshots are awesome) and submit a ticket