As a secretary or administrator, you may need to receive 911/code blue alerts on your PC.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Click on Start.
  2. And navigate to the ShoreWare Emergency Notification Client folder and open ShoreTel Emergency Notification Client.
  3. It won't open a window as it will be running in the background. Double Click on the 911 icon in your notification area to open the window.
  4. If your client isn't setup, you will have the red disconnected label at the bottom status bar. Click on Settings...
  5. Check the box for Start the ShoreWare EN client automatically when I log into Windows and enter into the server name box.
  6. Click on OK.
  7. You'll now be connected to the notification server and receive 911 and code blue alerts on your desktop.
  8. You can close this window and the client will continue running in the background.